Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just keep it simple

Is an expression we hear from time to time in relation to different things

Today it is in relation to our health

We can divide our health into three segments




Today it is an observation on our physical health, which in turn relates to the other two

Nature has been present as long as man, longer

Nature is considerably smarter than mam

Certainly much smarter than most scientists

The human system has evolved over an enormous period of time

In fact millions of years although this is not currently acknowledged or believed

No matter, human systems are strong and subtle at the same time

When we start taking medicines and pills we often do more harm than good


For one simple oh so simple reason

All allopathic medicines are designed to work on one particular aspect of our system be it for colds or blood pressure whatever, one part only.
None or very few of them have been tested for their effect on other parts of our systems

Imagine taking two or three pills or medicines at the same time, a not uncommon situation.
Not one of these medicines or pills has been tested for their effect on each other let alone what happens when they are in the body at the same time as each other

Most modern medicines make no distinction between young or old, fit or unfit, large or small, let alone the psychological state of the different patients
So our point is this nature will naturally move us towards better heath if we let her
The introduction of man made drugs should be kept to the bare minimum possible
For better health trust your system to want to repair itself
Learn to listen to your system it will guide you in what you need to eat
Sudden urges to eat different things are often because those foods contain elements that your system needs
If you have become addicted to taking pills then seek help because yes this is a real addiction for many people today
Trusting our systems to heal themselves is often more helpful than feeding on allopathic drugs
Deciding to create better health is also important
You take the decision to create the health you want
You are responsible for your own health
Doctors can support or hinder this process
Some doctors are good some are not
Take responsibility for your own health
Eat reasonably
Exercise reasonably
Decide that you will let go of your fears and stresses
At the root of most medical conditions is fear in one form or another
Yes really
Your life will be more enjoyable if you take controlof your own health
And having good health is possibly the most important single thing a human can have
Think about it
Just keep it simple.

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