Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The business of laughter

Few people would deny that laughter is enjoyable and that it makes us feel good
Not many though are aware that it is a powerful transformation tool
Laughter has benefits not only on our physical health but also on our mental and emotional health
Maybe more surprisingly deep healing can take place through laughter as laughter releases blocks in our energetic field
A good laugh can go a long way in reducing pain.
Laughter also can be used to change our experience of all sorts of suffering.
When a person can laugh at their situation, their experience becomes different. they become different.
It may help a person who has had a heart attack
One reason why it can be difficult to believe that laughter is so powerful is that we think that we laugh because some thing's funny.
Yet research has shown that only one in five laughing occasions involves any humour.
Babies laugh around three to four hundred times a day
Sadly by the time we are adults we've learned to laugh only around fifteen times a day.
Most people also believe that laughing is something we only do because we are happy.
In reality it's the other way around, we become happier by laughing.
We laugh for lots of reasons: anger, frustration, fear, nervousness, boredom. and joy of course.
If we did but know laughter helps protect us from colds and viruses
Because it increases the levels of antibodies or immunoglobulin A in the nose and respiratory passages it increases levels of natural killer (NK) cells and antibodies to boost the immune system
Laughter also reduces the stress hormones epinephrine and cortical
Sadder than the fact that we do not appreciate how important laughter is that in the 1950s people laughed eighteen minutes a day on average
While today people laugh on average only around six minutes per day
There is a clue here the more you laugh the more benefits you give yourself
And the more enjoyable life becomes
A win win situation if ever there was one

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