Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Funny people

We buy petrol by the litre

And sugar by the kg

But houses by the square foot.
Not to mention travelling in miles
Curious or what?
History is carried by all cultures and we are all used to these inconsistencies
Some noticed, some not
And all are exerting a pull on us one way or another
In Britain the time is different from that of most of Europe
The alleged reason being to help farmers and so that school children can go to school in the light
British tractors have had lights on them for over fifty years now
Farmers are not doing much during snow covered winters in Scotland anyway 
School children have then to come home in the dark
Funny just across the water in Norway and Sweden the time is the same as in Europe and they care for their farmers and schoolchildren too
So why not change the time in Britain?
Now you come to interest groups who will fight to the death to preserve their interests
What interests?
Well actually there are not so many of them but 58 million people are being held hostage by this small group of people
Changing the time would benefit business, airlines and positively affect the health of millions
Most importantly those who suffer from a lack of sun in winter known as SAD sufferers would benefit
And yet nothing changes even though the benefits are manifest
It is with situations like these that exist in every society where the tyranny of the minority can be felt
And yet and yet the majority is not always right
Real world problems with real world difficulties
Where would we be without them
And what is the fair and reasonable way to resolve these issues?
The tyranny of the majority perhaps?

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