Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Take it all apart

Can anything really be understood in isolation from the rest of the universe?
The culture of science that emerged 400 years ago says, "Yes."
We explore reality by dis-organizing it:
Isolating pieces
Eliminating variables
Shielding outside influences.
Thus the entomologist brings dead "specimens" back to the lab;
The geologist brings back samples;
The physiologist dissects cadavers
And the chemist seeks purified substances purged of the chaotic contamination of the world.
Such methods have their uses.
Indeed they have created a world far different, at least superficially, from what we knew 400 years ago.
They are, however, incapable of apprehending anything that exists only in relationship
Anything that, when you disassemble the whole and isolate the parts, is no longer there.
What are those things that exist only in relationship,
That are properties of wholes and not of parts?
Here are a few examples:
In short, all that makes us human.
Yet when you take the human apart, none of them are there.
The Masters of the Scientific Revolution conclude, therefore, that they don't "really" exist.
They cannot countenance the possibility that these properties,
In Mumford's words, "are not accidental by-products of mass, energy, and motion, but are aboriginal components of the same system."
Simply put stand back and see that it is an elephant
Do not insist on feeling it's leg and trying to figure out what it is as reductionist science tries to do
Simply put our current paradigm looks at the parts and tries to figure out what the whole is like
The new paradigm looks at the whole and then considers the parts
No surprise that current technology is not providing answers to our most serious problems
It cannot

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