Saturday, May 14, 2011

How it begins

Early in childhood we stick our children in playpens

Safety is one reason offered for this

The regime of "safety first" that has infected modern Western society.

Another is that it makes controlling the child easier

This in a very real sense is deprivation

A deprivation that leads to many things later in life

Traditional societies did and do not do this 
They allow children productive, agreed ways of exploring their limits
Real limits, not the bullshit freedom of the playpen or playgrounds where children are contained safety.
In days gone by the parent might say, don't play near the water
But would not through physical or verbal coercion try to prevent the child from doing it anyway
The result was that the parental voice gained an authority
At the same time, the child learned that consequences are real.
Falling in the water teaches the child many lessons
Lessons powerfully embedded in its life experience library for reference in later life
Conversely modern children insulated from risk, challenge, and discomfort grow up weak and afraid of the world.
When we are deprived of the opportunity to explore our limitations, we become more fearful of them
We become more tightly bound to them
Then guess what?
We become less able to cope when, despite our strivings for control, reality presents us with a new challenge.
And we are unable to handle it
This is the pattern being repeated endlessly across the controlling Western World today
Could be worse, however Nature is reminding us of these lessons
The current spate of so called natural disasters is bringing modern man face to face with challenge and danger
Tests that in days gone by his upbringing had prepared him for
Possibly one of the most insidious lies today is the idea that risk is bad and control is good
No worries, Nature is not shy to teach us when we forget or pretend that we control things
How are you with risk in your life?
When did you last take any risk?
Do you ever take risks or are you happy with the illusion of control?
A comment for you when risk comes
When the unexpected arrives
There is no time
Life will often depend on quick, often instant decisions
How will you do in such a scenario?

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