Saturday, June 25, 2011

And now for andropause

Is it the andropause?
The existence of "male menopause" or andropause has been a controversial subject for some time.

In June last year – shortly after a rival study argued the opposite – a team of British scientists claimed to have definitively identified the condition. 
Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the results made headlines around the world
Symptoms of andropause are thought to include 
A lack of energy 
Declining sex drive 
Inability to concentrate 
Weight gain 
And sleep problems
Problem is many males and females feel these symptoms today
Even young and otherwise healthy people of both sexes
Still if you are around your fifties and feel these symptoms to an uncomfortable degree
See your GP
Guess what he is likely to advise!
Certain lifestyle changes
Including healthier eating
Regular exercise 
And finding ways to reduce stress.
So far so normal and shouldn't you be doing these anyway? 
Then as well as these adjustments, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) may be prescribed
Administered in the form of tablets, injections, gel or patches while blood levels are closely monitored.

Andropause is something we are only beginning to become conscious of

Why not?

Many men certainly exhibit these signs!

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