Thursday, April 21, 2011

Forgotten wisdom

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift"

Albert Einstein

Another way of looking at it is:

The rational mind thinks it is the boss and that it knows everything

Unfortunaltey this is not true and is leading us into all kinds of trouble

Reductionism is based on logic, which relies on mind

Mind can only compute or construct logically

The inuitive mind can go beyond this in a way that the rational mind cannot
Thinking beyond the mind is not possible for many older scientists
Now a new generation are here who understand this
Hence finally some scientists are going in this direction
Where it is acknowledged that the experimenter affects the outcome
More than that he is part of the outcome
Bye bye reductionism
Because once we acknowledge this we are saying we all part of everything
There is no separation
No them and us
Just a oneness
Just as the ancients used to say
For sure the reductionist rearguard are fighting valiantly to deny the obvious
We have the fortune or misfortune to watch this changing of the guard
It seems so long ago that Einstein pointed this out
Changing minds and consciousness is a slow business
It will take a while yet and lead us into more dead ends before critical mass is achieved
So many stubborn people unable or unwilling to let go of their perceptions
Or worse those with vested interests to protect
Even at the expense of humanity's needs
Yes it will take a while
Do we have the time?
Who knows? 

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