There comes a time of despair in most human lives.
A time when all seems lost, useless, impossible to bear any longer.
It feels as if everyone else is fine and that I alone experience this nightmare.
The dark night of the soul as it is known.
A time to surrender or fight.
Some do, some don't.
This night can last many weeks or months.
It does not leave you alone, all seems lost.
If you fight then there is the chance to be born again.
Fight means letting go of our fears opening our hearts.
Freeing ourselves from illusion.
Being born again into the light if you will.
The only help one can give is that the answers are all inside us.
Running away does not help.
Denial does not help.
Anger does nothing.
No bottle, no drugs, no abuse.
Just fighting for our sanity, letting go.
Quiet the mind - the answer is never in the mind.
The answer is in our hearts.
Connecting with our souls, yes we all have one.
The fight is to understand our fears.
To learn why we are really here.
To free ourselves from the tyranny of illusion.
To create the lives we truly yearn for.
May you find your way.