Saturday, October 29, 2005

Chattering minds

Few people ever wonder whether non-stop thoughts coming into their minds is reasonable or not.

Thoughts piling in one after the other all day and night long are not helpful or healthy.

It is modern man's acceptance of non-stop thoughts that leads him into many of his problems mentally, physically and every other which way.

Apart from creating problems man loses large amounts of energy in wasted unproductive thinking brought on by random uninvited thoughts demanding his attention.

Want to feel better?

Then learn to control your mind, yes it is possible.

Learn to meditate, a simple one for ten minutes or so every day.

It should be every day because your mind will not believe that you are serious unless it is every day.

For many early morning is the best time, for others later in the day.

in controlling your mind you are dealing with the equivalent of a very spoilt child who is used to interrupting you whenever it wants.

The meditation we suggest is just for five or ten minutes but every day.

Wear comfortable clothes, turn off the phones and any other irritating noises.

Sit in a half lotus or comfortably on a chair with arms and legs uncrossed.

Back straight, eyes shut.

Face the East, which is where energy comes from.

Breath in and out normally as you do when you are not paying attention to your breathing.

Say (under your breath mentally) in on the in breath and out on the out breath.

The idea is that if you are busy saying mentally in and out then theoretically there is no room for other thoughts.


You will notice very quickly that thoughts still come in, tell them to go away, say mentally not now, leave me alone etc.

For days weeks or months it will be a tough battle with little respite. But then this should be so because you have allowed your mind to dominate you all your life so disciplining it will take some time.

Then one day while meditating you will notice that you are not saying in and out and that you are not thinking and that you have never felt so peaceful or in harmony.........lo and behold you will know that you are not thinking...........then you blow it because now you are thinking again!

No matter now you know why you are meditating. You know it can be done.

Keep on meditating with the objective of reaching this point or space again, expanding it.

Practice this in any small moments on the bus, on the train, plane, waiting for someone.

Anywhere in fact where you have a few minutes.

If you can achieve thoughtlessness from time to time it will absolutely positively alter your experience of life.

You will find more peace of mind.

Be warned though disciplining your mind is the hardest thing a man can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to find these quotes, exactly at a moment that my mind was so full of stressing thoughts... it is just as you read in my mind... thanks.