Monday, November 21, 2005

For women only - better babies

How much thought have you given to being a mother?

Probably at some time you have worried about whether or not your baby would be healthy.

Then consider this.

Mankind is on a journey from the absolute down into materiality and back up to the absolute.

A cycle of learning if you will.

This journey is called a Manvantara and in our case takes 4.3 billion years.

We are just past the halfway mark in our journey.

We have all had many lives, many thousands in fact.

We will all have many thousand more lives.

Many lives are necessary for us to learn wisdom.

Each life has a major lesson to learn.

When the soul is ready to incarnate or to be born again it chooses its parents.

The soul will go to the parents who are best equipped to give it the start it needs to learn that major lesson in each life.

Parents do not choose us, they merely create the physical body.

Note this does not necessarily mean that we choose the most loving parents.

This also means that our parents are only our genetic parents as our spirits are independent.

We will incarnate over many lives as male and female and in totally different cultures.

So much for our current ideas about tribe, race and religion.

Our parents are perfect in the sense that we chose them as being the best suited to our evolutionary needs.

To start us through this life, to start learning this life's lesson.

From this we can see that it is possible to influence the quality of our future baby.


If you are not clean in body, mind and spirit then no higher conscious soul is going to want or be able to incarnate through you.

If your partner is not clean nor can you be.

If you are growing in your consciousness then this is more attractive to an incoming healthy conscious soul.

So to improve your chances of a healthier baby, learn about yourself, get rid of your fears, heal yourself.

Make it your life work to improve your consciousness.

Attract the healthiest baby you can, the choice is yours.

You determine the characteristics of your baby by your own actions and state of consciousness.

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