Monday, December 26, 2005

Left brain, right brain

In simple language our brain has two hemispheres left and right.

The left is logic and the right feeling.

Modern man generally uses his left hemisphere more than his right.

This is fine for many actions in the modern world but not so fine for a harmonious life.

Bringing the two hemispheres into better balance encourages more objectivity in our decisions.

How to do this?

Start by learning which hemisphere you favour as a person.

If you do not know yourself ask your partner or friends are you reductionist or creative emotional?

When this clear to you then it is time to strengthen the weaker hemisphere.

If the weaker is the left then logic and reductionism must be improved, your literal side if you will.

If it is the right hemisphere then creative actions such as meditation, emotional development are then in need of attention.

Worth the effort, start today!

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