Oh Really?
Maybe you have collected all the money you need and have flown down South to lie in the sun.
Please do not think for a minute that because you decided for yourself that life is about collecting money that you are correct.
Life is about being the best we can every day.
Life is about moving towards our potential.
Life is about moving from me to we.
Life is about evolution, so what has yours been so far? Collecting money!
What is your contribution?
What have you done for humanity today?
What have you done for planet Earth?
Why is there that niggling feeling that you might have missed something then?
Could it be that life is not just about me?
Could it be that life has a purpose other than physical well being?
You came into life naked and out you will go naked, with what to show?
Imagine your surprise when you find that you have to go around and do it all over again.
Does anyone seriously believe that the amazing adventure of life is about the triviality of collecting toys?
No, it is about contributing to get us out of the mess we have got ourselves into.
Nuf said?
Onemustjustloveyou :-)
and Ljuba of course
Sometimes it takes a little longer to find how to make your particular contribution.
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