Sunday, May 14, 2006

Women smile - men scowl

Women smile when in potentially tense situations while men often scowl.

Why is this?

Women tend to compromise.

Men often go to the brink.

Why is this?

Men fight each other.
Women help each other.

Why is this?

Women live longer.

Why is this?

Maybe time for men to learn to smile.


Anonymous said...

Can we say that women and men are egoist in a diferent way? Women want to increase their power fo them and their childs, men want the power "for the woman" in order to "conquer" and not directly for them?

Antony said...

You can say that women and men are egoist in different ways, however the point being made here was that women and men tend to have different approaches to stress situations.
Your comment about power is not one that is general as men and women are so very varied in their approach to relationships.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Antony, if I understand well, linking it with the 16th May page we, Women and Men, are made of interraction between social reality and Nature reality. Sensitivity make us focus on our very near experiences as we were red fishes?