Thursday, March 08, 2007

We are what we do

Is a website

Today more and more people do not want to join organisations

Many do want to help or contribute through or with organisations
New ways of contributing are evolving

So the movement shown above is one of these new approaches

No membership

No joining

Just your actions when and if you choose

They have some good ideas

See for yourself


Queenie said...

Bin there done that (it was for a fiver not 10 bucks). Big pat on my back, I do 47 out of 50 actions in the home. Will purchase a Anga Hindmarch bag, and I always try to smile....

Antony said...

Time to move on then to the more serious stuff, like finding the truth of things

Queenie said...

I belive Buddhism, to be one of the most important world faiths and it certainly has influenced my spiritual life on this planet.
This is my choice and I will spend my time here finding the truth of things. Not all serious stuff though.......