Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Are the product of many different elements

Lack of conviction

Lack of attention

Lack of effort

Poor preparation

Over ambition

Over playing

And so on

Really the most important aspect of failure is to learn

And in truth that is all this life is about learning

Life is also process

No finishing line, no gold medals for most of us just being the best we can in whatever we do or are presented with

Bearing this in mind looking at failure brings up some familiar points

Were you honest about your abilities?

Did you chose the contest or situation or were you pushed into it ?

If you choose the situation that is one set of parameters if you were pushed another

If you chose then was your appreciation of the situation accurate?

Was your timing right?

Did you truly have the potential?

Did you sustain effort beyond the finishing line?

As any athlete knows the race is won often in the last push and to achieve maximum performance he pushes mentally at a finishing line beyond the actual so that he is still going flat out at the tape

If you were pushed into competing as happens to all us from time to time then were you resentful, were you angry, or in two minds about it

If the situation was one of relationship then in a sense the same comments apply ask yourself did you enter with faulty information, did you inform yourself, was your appreciation correct, did you give it your best shot?

Whatever the failure it is gone it is in our past because today in this moment now is where we need to live and be

Turning to the future is our interest here, because past failures are gone and we must only remember them to learn how to do better in the future and for no other reason because they are gone done and dusted

To avoid failure in the future

Consider these points

You must know yourself better, be honest about your potential and capabilities

Few people have taken the trouble to truly learn about themselves

Sounds simple and easy but is not so because to truly know myself means to drop my perceptions of things and accept them as they truly are

See life clearly and your own self in reality

This step alone will require you to adjust your present view of yourself.

Can you be this honest, if not then life and your karma will give you more failures because nature will not allow you to play games

You must stop holding back if you want to succeed and drop the fear of not being good enough whether in relationship or competition or life situations

So many people really have a fear of success not failure and as soon as they approach success they shoot themselves in the foot to avoid success.

Think about it are you afraid of success?

Prepare professionally, cover every aspect of the activity or situation, take the time to study why the winners succeed how others handle things

There is no excuse today for not being prepared professionally, the information on everything we need is on the internet somewhere

If we are talking about relationships then ask us specific questions as this blog is open and available for such dialogue

Make sure you have the correct resources, again so often people are not fully prepared with the correct resources be they physical, mental or emotional

Have in your mind, others have been here and done this, they succeeded I will too

While I am competing or participating I will be focused because frequently lack of true 100% focus is the reason for failure

Practice focusing not just for five minutes but for longer and longer periods so that focusing becomes second nature

Understand that if we are talking about relationships then focus is also required as all too often we stop paying real attention

We get lazy, we take things for granted.

Decide that you are ready for success and truly want to go wherever it takes you

Read this blog and ask questions because failure is a big subject and cannot be fully addressed in such a short space

Good luck for all of us

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