Monday, December 31, 2007

Just want to cry

No clear reason

Just feel strong emotion

Want to cry

If we are female then fine that's OK

If we are male then less so, cultural no no for many

The feeling of emotion, the feeling of alone

The feeling of uselessness

It comes to most of us from time to time often at Christmas or New Year

A memory, a sadness at times gone by

Friends no longer with us

Just feeling sad at life and all it brings

Let go and also reign in your emotions afterwards

Too easy to slide into depression

Once in depression oh so hard to come out again

For all our ills and sadness do not go down that road

Get busy, walk get out, be active

Do not allow yourself to slide

Find the positive

Find something to focus on

Oh yes life can be hard

Only known way out is to embrace life

Truly looking for the positive

Do it please.

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