Thursday, December 13, 2007

So short

Your time in this life is precious

It might seem like you have all the time in the world

Not so

Our time in this life is so short

Look at it this way

Until we are about twenty or so we are learning about how the world works,

Then we are having fun meeting people, starting to look for a partner.

Settling into a life of work and play

Then we have job family and children and before we know it we are middle aged and beginning to worry about security, health and relationships.

In most of the above only dimly have we thought about questions such as what are we really here for

Accepting without question the stories of our times and culture

None of which are very helpful or convincing

Usually we push any such thoughts to one side with just a funny feeling that they don't seem to fully resonate with us they don't feel quite right

The feeling persists that there ought to be more

Something that explains the violence and seeming senselessness of life

Often even if we have looked we have met bullshitters or other unsatisfactory answers

So we let it go and focus on our material world

Judging our life by our possessions, our position in the system

And as we age the sadness grows at the utter futility of what we are part of

Corruption everywhere - in everything, religion included

Sleaze and greed

By now we are feeling the effects of declining health, broken relationships

And cling on we must for to look elsewhere at other possible ways of understanding life is to acknowledge the waste of our own lives

So we just cling on to the end

So be it

Or is there another way?

Could it be that those stories we heard about love and light have some merit after all?

How can love and light work in this insane world?

Indeed they can and if we look around we can now and then spot someone living by these rules

Not the incense burning weekend spiritualists or the professional love children in their white robes and false smiles

No once in a while you can glimpse someone who looks healthy

Someone with an emanating calmness

Yes there are those who have understood life

A smile and sureness that indicates some other life

No fanfare just quietly moving through life

What have they found?

What is it they know?

How can they be love in such a screwed up world?

How can they be so serene?

Have a look it might work for you too

Who knows maybe there is a way to understand and contribute with meaning

Maybe there is even a truth out there relative or absolute who knows?

What did you think this short brutish life was really about then?

Can the complexity and intricacy of nature really be some random accident?

Did consciousness really evolve without guidance?

Could it be that there really is another way to experience life?

The truth about our history is really so much more than Hollywood ever dreamed

To find this is your choice each and everyone of us must make our own choices

Use your life wisely it really is so short

Of course you will have thousands more but that is not the point

Use each life to learn the truth of things

To find how you can grow in each life

Start by finding out what the perennial wisdom is

What has been a constant throughout history

Why is it that only love matters?

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