Friday, January 25, 2008

Anger at the slaughter

Slaughter in the name of

Killing innocent women, men and children

The time of terrorism is with us

We can only read and watch with anger at the latest atrocity

Feeling impotent

Rage sometimes

We can only express our disgust at the evil mental midgets who take life in this way

We can though clearly state that no God anywhere condones slaughter and that is what it is slaughter

Be clear in your thoughts that life is precious

Life is a privilege not to be abused

Use your life to advance love not hate

Use your energies to promote respect and growth in understanding

All of us need to be clear in our own lives that we do not condone abuse of life in any form

That we are prepared to accept what goes with this moral position

Our own sacrifice maybe?

Do you have the courage to accept this possibility?

Think about it.

How much do your principles mean to you?


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