Saturday, January 05, 2008

Large structures

Become corrupt over time

Throughout history men have found ways to abuse and misuse large structures

Large structures meaning government, organized religion, large corporations and other similar organisations

The UN, ILO, WHO, WMO and so on

Man has yet to find ways to prevent corruption

Current political process is a case in point

Few people in any Western country have much time for their political leaders

So after a few years they vote out the party in power and vote the other lot in

This has little to do with their policies although the media might try to have us believe otherwise

It has more to do with our understanding that any party in power for too long becomes too corrupt

In societies without this voting process it goes without sayinng the corruption is endemic

Simply stated where you have any three humans joining together for some purpose corruption will emerge over time

Sadly this must continue until man understands how human evolution really works

Until he understands that purpose and the reason for his life

Until he understands that he is himself responsible for his own evolution and what happens to him

No one else can save him but himself

While humans believe their children are "theirs" corruption will continue

While humans perceive money as life objective corruption will continue

While humans mistake money for security corruption will continue

So long as humans perceive other humans as different and distinct from themselves corruption must continue

Where me is more important than we it must continue

When can this change?

Only when humanity is less ignorant

Ignorance is what perpetuates this situation

However individually we all have choices and can once in a while make our voices heard

This is only likely to have any effect if we are clear that corruption hurts all of us

Corruption is not helpful to individuals or society

Be clear about this

Be clear about your own integrity

Live honestly yourself.

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