Sunday, January 20, 2008


Is a word that brings uneasy thoughts

And there is a malaise in our modern world

A malaise of greed and mindless consumption

We know it every time we throw out our garbage

Tons and tons of it every year

If you want to change this world

Change yourself

It's an old cliche but oh so true

And you will not know this until you try

Many many people come to us in dire straights, often life threatening ones

Our work over many years shows us that we can help anyone who wants change


And only if

They truly want to change

And are prepared to do the simple things we ask

No drugs, no wonder mantra, no promises

Just work and the desire to change

It is possible

Step beyond our public self perpetuating malaise

Step into health

Step into a world where you can make a difference

Make 2008 the year when you decide to change you world and then our world.

Become conscious of your life and it's choices

Choices that determine how you experience our world

Move beyond malaise

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