Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Frequent switching of sex partners

For many self styled cool people frequent switching of sexual partners Is becoming the sex of choice

Forget the health risks

Forget any moral questions

No questions asked about right or wrong

Intent only on personal physical satisfaction

Just a thought though

Once sex moves to any random partner and the thrill is the only determinant

Then something else naturally happens

The chances of addiction increase

Becoming an obsession for many.

And so?

Life changes under any addiction

The only person who can stop or change addiction is the person addicted

No one can and no one may only the person themself

Be warned any move down this road is hard to reverse or stop

For a while it is all, it's cool

Then it becomes fraught for one's physical and mental health

Not to mention self respect.

Self respect is fundamental to our experience of life and once this goes then real trouble arrives

Think twice before going down this road.

Like all addictions the price is so much greater than the transitory pleasures

Sex switching might seem cool however the price you pay is high, very high

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