Sunday, February 17, 2008

Men and women

Do have differences as we all know

Yet we often behave as if we didn't

From the pram little girls will play with dolls

Little boys with sticks, balls guns and so on

Not all to be sure but enough to give us a clue

Yet when we get older we somehow expect that if we like each other then we should think the same way

Understand each other without difficulty

In those early sexually tinged times maybe we do

Later on often we do not

Just walking down the street women will see the flowers, men the new model car

Our focus is different

Our emotions too

Many women could care less about cars, football and all forms of competition

Men could care less about the color of the dress or shoes to match

The point?

We often make things unnecessarily hard for ourselves

We do not observe the signals

We do not pay attention to the signs of frustration and discontent

Look at your relationships today

Are there warning signs that things are not as you imagine?

Living with each other can be a nightmare

It can be the greatest experience combining our strengths and reducing our weaknesses

The statistics today say we are less ready to compromise

As we all know it takes work to make relationships flourish

However being a single in later years is often preferable to staying with someone you do not like

But first choice has to be living in harmony with your partner

Partners who have fears and aspirations

Women have menopause, men too in a very real sense

We all have parents and relatives and they must impact as well

Are you informed about these natural conditions of our relationships?

They are not theoretical ideas they are what we all go through

Inform yourself what is coming do not be caught out through laziness

Living with each other takes effort yet so often we have little idea about what nature brings to us all

Inform yourself

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