Sunday, March 02, 2008


Everything is the modern way

See a new car, yes and how does it look compared to the old model?

See a meal how does it look and taste compared to what we have had before?

There is little in our lives that is not experienced by measuring and comparing

To the point that it is stopping us from moving on

If measuring and comparing are how we see the world then the starting point must be how to we inform our initial opinions

Our parents, teachers, friends and media shaped those views

Without thinking about it our views of everything have been shaped by others

Others who have their own perceptions and beliefs and particular reality

Slowly we are beginning to understand that many of these are simply not true

The 20th century views of racism, sexism and other isms are just not acceptable

We are slowly becoming more conscious that many of the beliefs and habits of our parents generation are not reasonable or acceptable any longer

So we slowly move to change our habits

Slowly we discard prejudice against various groups and ideas

Consciousness is the slowest thing to change in humans

Our consciousness changes slower than anything else

The shift in consciousness is however the only way to protect ourselves

Unless humanity changes and adapts it is not going to survive any more than any other part of nature that does not adapt

Those who cannot adapt go

Nature does not allow species to survive who cannot change

So how must we change?

By examining our ideas about reality

Do not accept as true many of the things you hear

Learn to check them out for yourself

Measuring against what we already know is not necessarily very clever

What does your intuition say?

Can you even hear it?

Learn to listen to your intuition

Create a data base of your own truths so that you are free to move on when confronted by something new

Life is tough enough without sticking with lies or half truths

Search for the truth in everything

Become honest to yourself

Truth is what makes us strong

Lies are debilitating

Over time lies must out, lies destroy the liar

Look around you at those who live in lies

Let judgment go

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