Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And you have failed

Something we all face at some point

Be it a driving test, an exam, a promotion, a relationship breakdown whatever

How did you handle this

Did you go on and on thinking about the reasons why

How unfair it was

How it was not your fault

Did you go back and try again

Did you give up and walk away

Sometimes better to walk away but often we have to or need to take it again

To try again, prepare better, understand more, why we did not succeed

In life failure is a hard lesson and can really get to us

Learning not to obsess is also difficult as our minds turn and turn on the why of failure

Not leaving us alone over and over

Accept when there is nothing to be done, really let go not just the words while continuing to secretly worry

Till time calms us down

Again we can see how mind controls our life

Our mind that obsesses

Determine to learn to control your mind because if you do not then it will do more damage to you than anything else

Keep busy

Stay in the moment

Look at your life in a broader context than this failure

Appreciate what you have in life and do not put yourself down for the failure

Be honest enough to acknowledge if it was really your fault

Failure comes to us all at some time prepare yourself mentally with how to deal with it

Do not go into your next situation with the idea of failure for that is a sure fire recipe for creating just that

Failure and what it means is something worth looking at because it can shape and change your life

And it comes to us all at some point

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