Saturday, April 19, 2008

Each generation

Accepts as normal what it finds when entering this life

Whatever they find is how it is

This even if older observers consider the country or society to have gone to the dogs

No matter the new generation just gets on with learning what they are fed by their elders

Later some might challenge what they have been told

Some might rebel

Most buy into the system and become part of the whole

Some make contributions

Others just while their lives away

And what have we got to say about what we are leaving them?

Have we learnt anything?

Don't see too many jumping up to apologie for the mess the world is in

And what wisdom are we sharing with the next generation?


We have not even looked at what we are doing ourselves let alone being able to discuss this with the next generation

And what do you understand as being the reasons?

Could it be our greed?

Our obsession with economic growth maybe?

Or our lack of spiritual values

Our selfishness

Whatever the truth the fact that we are not even conscious that dialogue about our world is the starting point is not very encouraging

In your own life become clear about what you are here for

So that at least you can share your thinking with your own children

The next generation are smart and they deserve at least a dialogue

Sticking their heads in the sand and hoping things will magically work out is not an option for them.

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