Wednesday, April 02, 2008

No leadership

Was a time when humans had a purpose

Had a direction right or wrong they knew what they were doing and why

A shared vision even

What is our purpose today?

More bland life accepting rules and constraints, muddling through each day?

More what?

Once upon a time leaders lead

No more

They are guided by opinion polls, which tell them what to think

Lobbyists who prevail upon them to support their narrow interests

Global issues that they are enjoined to support

Apart from a sad lack of leadership mankind is aware of the damage he has done and is doing to his planet

As a result few believe in a bright future

Previous generations did

Previous generations looked forward with hope towards the future

And today?

What can we look forward to?

Global warming, exhaustion of resources, overcrowding, social problems, more opportunistic diseases and so on, a litany of modern fears

It is at such time that leadership is required

Leaders who can see a way to reignite human hope

Leaders who can see a way out

Sad truth most modern leaders are created in societies that demand they come up through the structure of politics

A structure in most places of corruption, greed and self interest

A structure divorced from it's constituents

Time to break out

Time to find a way forward

There is a way, but not through more of the same

Not through compromise and sell out

Only through vision and the articulation of that vision can we move with excitement and enthusiasm again

Through the articulation of ideas that resonate with truth

Reminding us maybe of things forgotten

Things we need to overcome our current malaise

Will such a leader appear?

We have to wait and see

He or she is out there somewhere.

Is it time?

What's your guess?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is time