Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not sleeping well

Can be because we are overtired, sick, stressed, poor feng shui where we sleep, neighbours, crying child, had an argument

In fact there can be any number of reasons

It comes to all of us at some time or another

Counting sheep is the old classical solution

Try these if counting sheep does not work for you

Review the day just past in reverse order, noticing as a spectator where you had difficulties
Mentally decide if they need follow up or can be discarded
If they can be discarded then truly let them go
Let go of the day
Check the time you need to get up and what things must be done the next day
Gently let go of thoughts
Push them away
Let your brain and mind know that you are shutting down, going to sleep
And of this does not work then after a suitable time, suitable being when you have tried and tried

Focus on something you like and look at it in complete detail

Go into every facet of it
Explore every detail it might be your motorbike, your painting, your new recipe
Gently go through this scenario
And if you are still awake
Accept the idea that you might not sleep and that it does not matter
Let go of the importance of sleep and find a relaxed position and just lie there pushing thoughts away
To help you sleep better try taking Valerian tea in the early evening
Make sure it is the twig type not the tea bag variety
Do this daily the effect is cumulative
Sleep is easy to find when we are relaxed not so easy when over tired and stressed
So try to address and remove the causes of stress

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