Monday, March 02, 2009


Responsibility is not something that we can choose to embrace only when it is convenient

Responsibility is something that is with us all the time
One way and another responsibility is with us every day

That we choose not to exercise it is our decision

Too often we let responsibility go because we wish to ignore it

Then when things go wrong we are reminded of that choice where we ignored responsibility

That judgement not to be responsible was our choice

That judgement to accept our responsibility was ours too

There are usually two elements that guide our choices

One is the prevalent what is in it for me approach?

What do I gain by doing or not doing whatever

Do I have to do it?

Must I do it?

Less obvious is the moral element

Is this the correct thing to do?

Morally is this the right course of action?

The first is usually selfish

The second a guide for life

If we follow the first then over time this becomes the only guide in our lives, everything being considered only by it's benefit to me

Glance around at those who follow this path, the modern celebrities, often rich people indeed too many of those in the public eye follow this path

Alternatively those who follow moral guidelines are lead over time to consider the needs of others over and above their own

The first leads to emptiness the second to peace of mind

Simple word responsibility and one we all encounter every day of our lives

What is less obvious and simple are the ramifications of the choice we make

In fact the way we choose to relate to responsibility is life defining

Life altering even

Make a wise choice it affects everything you do


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