Monday, March 07, 2011

That personal first conscious step

Life does not have to be a foggy mystery
It can be clearer and more understandable
There are those exceptional people who have found the truth
For they actually know how it is and the truth is theirs
They know how things work, why they are as they are
They have understood and chosen to serve the creative forces of nature
And for them finding the truth changed their lives
Beings such as
Buddha, Christ , Rada Krishna and the other Masters they all found the truth
Not in some narrow distorted religious sense
No we are talking about absolute truth in their case
The truth that governs our Universe
What some call Nature
For many that might be too far away
But we can all know a relative truth
And every journey starts with the first step
For them as well once upon a time in eons gone by they all chose to take their first step
A relative truth which makes things clearer, easier for us is possible
It takes work and effort though
And no individual may be pushed onto this path
Everyone who has suceeded throughout history made this choice themselves
And the choice?
To find that truth
To serve Nature in a creative sense

To be the best they can in everything that comes their way every day

To do to others as they would have them do to them, a so simple guide
And yes in this there is a truth
Yours to find for yourself no one can do it for you
That first step is where we decide we want to be the best we can and to find the truth of why we are here
In so doing we elect to serve
To serve all

So we take the risk of exploring for ourselves

Something inside us urges us to make sense of things

Something inside us tells us that there must be more than the banalities of modern life

This urge leads us to experiment, to search

We explore by reading, asking, talking, attending talks, seminars anything that can help us find the truth

Many are seduced by charlatans along the way

Most of us have been mislead by promises of enlightenment

Promises of a new richer fuller life

Most of us eventually see these promises for what they are

Money making enterprises hiding under a cloak of esoteric teaching or knowledge

If we keep searching then one day we find truth

The truth is in the perennial wisdom

This is not always easy to understand at first acquaintance

However when we feel it resonate with our heart then we know we have foud something different

Something true

A truth that shows us where we came from

Not the Darwinian half truths

Not the distortions of modern religion

Truth that resonates and that can be checked against our own lives

Truth is not a fashionable word or idea in our corrupt and world of endless spin

However it is your choice to step beyond

A choice we can only say is one we would not change for ourselves

Now it is your turn, your choice

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