Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The joys of being in love aside, the lack of that special somebody is not a reason to despair

Finding Mr or Ms Right will not solve all of our problems and it will not necessarily make us happy.

People have a tendency to feel that 'If I can just meet that person ... ' and get really caught up with the idea that they can finally be happy

The author of this article Trees stresses that happiness is not dependent on finding someone – or on any other life events.

He points to a study that compared the happiness of lottery winners, non-winners and paraplegics.

Initially, lottery winners were elated but in the long term were no happier than non-winners.

In fact, non-winners were reported to still get pleasure from simple things such as watching TV and conversations, while winners found it more difficult to do so.

Paraplegics started out despondent but again, in the long term, their happiness was reported to be fractionally less than everybody else's.

What was found was that everybody has a pretty constant line of happiness in their life and while both fortunate and distressing events have an impact, these deviations are temporary and soon became just part of your life.

The most important factor is having a rich and fulfilling life, with or without someone.
Trees gave these little tips for finding that someone
Send your introductory emails on a Monday; sending them on the weekend tells others that you've too much spare time.
Bumping into the object of your desire promotes familiarity – essential in mutual attraction.
Keep the first meeting short.
Women take just five seconds to decide if there is any chemistry and it's 10 seconds for men.
So keep a first meeting to just 45 minutes – this will allow you just enough time to test your first feelings.
If you like someone, try mirroring – and not just movement; it also occurs with speech patterns and tone of voice.
It promotes intimacy.
Try "priming cues"; this is really about getting someones heart racing and them associating this excitement to being attracted to you.
Even the most crude priming mechanisms work – for instance, handing someone a warm drink will make them see you as a warm person.
When with a new partner, act as if they already have the qualities you like: people try and become the good opinion others have of them.
Trees - Independent
Not sure about some of his ideas however if you are single and try them out - why not

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gd words and encouragement...Thanx.