Friday, December 03, 2010

- Litl devil

Inside all of us is a litl devil

Call it your other side

Your dark side

Your entities

Whatever the name the idea is the same a ''you'' that at times controls the good you

Leads you to do silly things

Gets in the way at just the wrong time

Causes you to lose control

Talking here about feeling better about our lives and why we do not because of that - litl devil
I tried to give some ideas in my previous blog "After Alcohol" and maybe did not go far enough
Why we do not have the lives we want
Why we keep shooting ourselves in the foot
One reason is because we have never really thought about it
Never looked for reasons
Just accepted it as the way it is
Went along with the crowd
Wondering why we never quite feel satisfied
Even though we have enough money to buy amusements
To endlessly amuse ourselves, often as a way to avoid thinking about such issues as why we keep shooting ourselves in the foot doing silly things at the wrong time
Diverting ourselves to death though is no answer
Paying for amusements does not satisfy us for ever either
TV, video games, cinema and so on are fine if we do other things as well
If selfish amusements are all we do then yes over time you will feel dissatisfied with your life
If your life is only about amusing yourself then over time this will be less and less satisfying
If your idea of life is only about what you feel or do then this will not work over time either
Just amusing yourself to death in other words
It is here that the - litl devil makes its appearance
When our lives have no real purpose we do silly things that we then regret
We go and get drunk because we can't think of anything else to do
We literally waste our time, like our lives are forever
Rewarding ourselves after a week's work is fine
Just being selfish with our time is not so fine
Because boredom will result often in doing silly things we then regret
That black hole that leads us into trouble
We often forget that life is about learning
Forever turning off and freewheeling does not do it
Just repeating the things we know throughout our lives does not do it
Life is here for us to learn
To learn the myriad things we don't know
To do new things
To face our fears
To help others
So if your life keeps leading you into trouble then time to  figure out why you keep doing dumb or stupid things
Time to do something for others
Doing things for others gives us a better feeling about ourselves
Being selfish does not
Having a direction and purpose helps
Having a reason to get out of bed is important
We are here to help others not just ourselves
This is why after we do something for others we feel good
Try doing something for others
Not for money nor for gain just do it because it feels right
Once your life includes reasons for being other than just being for yourself life feels different
Better even
And guess what the - litl devil makes less appearances
In fact over time he loses power over you
And you come to control your life
Nice feeling

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