Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sex thoughts

Nothing improves with age.
Sex has no calories.
Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.
Sex appeal is 50% what you’ve got and 50% what people think you’ve got.
No sex with anyone in the same office.
A man in the house is worth two in the street.
If you get them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
When a man’s wife learns to understand him, she usually stops listening to him.
The qualities that most attract a woman to a man are usually the same ones she can’t stand years later.
The best way to hold a man is in your arms.
Sow your wild oats on Saturday night – Then on Sunday pray for crop failure.
The game of love is never called off on account of darkness.
Sex discriminates against the shy and the ugly.
There may be some things better than sex, and some things worse than sex.
But there is nothing exactly like it.
Love is a matter of chemistry, sex is a matter of physics.

Do it only with the best.
Sex is a three-letter word which needs some old-fashioned four-letter words to convey its full meaning.
One good turn gets most of the blankets.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Never lie down with a woman who’s got more troubles than you.
Never argue with a women when she’s tired — or rested.
A woman never forgets the men she could have had; a man, the women he couldn’t.
It is better to be looked over than overlooked.
Never say no.
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn’t love her.
Beauty is skin deep; ugly goes right to the bone.
Never stand between a fire hydrant and a dog.
Love comes in spurts.
The world does not revolve on an axis.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
Don’t do it if you can’t keep it up.
There is no difference between a wise man and a fool when they fall in love.
Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight.
Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.
This won’t hurt, I promise.

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