Friday, April 22, 2011

Forgotten actions

The only person that can ever truly make you happy is yourself.
And happiness being an emotion it will come and go
It does not respond to your orders
Nor does it stay because you want it to
However it is possible to persuade it to appear more often
To bring it along more often believe in the good in people
Stop depending on other people
Your happiness is inside you 
Not inside other people
If you see the glass as being half full then this is a start
If you wake with pleasure at the new day
Go to sleep having let go of all the events of the day
More than this decide to smile more often
How often have you smiled today, honestly now?
Did you even laugh once?
To sing and shout more, when did you last sing?
Dance even, when was the last time you danced?
So many actions that loosen us up
Relax us take us to another place
Yet we don't do them
Then we wonder why we are stressed and tense
Change your life please
Only you can do this
Just dance more with life

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