Monday, April 04, 2011

Those little thought habits

I’ll never be good enough............said often enough and this will become objectively true
Your repeated thought forms will ensure that you fail, particularly when success is nearly there
Life is unfair...................yes when you see things as accident and luck, this is how it looks
When you understand karma you realise that your own behaviour has brought you all you experience today, so inform yourself as to how it works 
You have to work so hard for everything you get.....................yes while at the pit face working at a job you don't really like this is so
Try to work at what you really care about then work assumes a different quality
There’s not enough time.....................true life is going faster for all of us today
Take a look at your life and drop those things you are never really going to get around to 

Otherwise you just carry unnecessary stress around with you.
It’s too late.................for what?
There is always time to change whatever our state of being
I don’t deserve a great life............................sounds like pure self pity
Until you change your thoughts about life and yourself it will remain so
I have to do everything myself...................a common female refrain
And will it remain so until you decide to move on, because by these words you show that you have accepted the status quo
It’s a dog eat dog world.......................for dogs that is

For humans it need not be, treat others with respect and usually they will treat you the same way
Where they do not time to change your relationship with them
I’m supposed to be perfect
Who said so, oh did they, and are they perfect themselves to make such statements?
No one in my family ever amounts to much
Good reason to set your sights higher and to go for more in life
Why try?   I’ll never make it anyway...............again with this thought form you certainly will not
Change your way of thinking about yourself
Life is what!
We chose to come into life, in fact we agree to incarnate before every life
Life is as it is....... hard, soft, easy, funny sad, all are life and we all experience them all
Too much pleasure makes you lazy........................can do for sure
An understanding of ourselves is useful knowing when to stop being lazy and when to exert some discipline
I have to control everything to make things work out
Yes and why not then you know that the only person to blame if they do not is yourself
I can’t allow anything to go wrong
Nice idea, however things do go wrong, trick is to have patience when they do go wrong

Life is a rat race

Can be if you lie down with rats, so choose to associate with humans and not rat humans

If you use or think some of the above then time to shift gears and move on

Negative thoughts lead to stagnation and stress

No one wants to add stress to their lives and this is just what the above does to you

So decide to move on

Your circumstances might not be easy

So what 

All of us go through difficult periods

Life is full of difficulties

It is how you come through them that makes the difference

The difference that is to how you find life

Life can be great

But only if you shift out of the poor me syndrome and move into positive appreciation of what you have
Life is to short to waste it wimping
Those little negative thought habits are what keep tripping you up
Change them now!

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