Monday, July 18, 2011

Bradyns Blog: 1,529 More Contradictions In The Bible

There are still those for whom the Bible is an absolutely, literally, accurate source
Admittedly they are getting fewer
Leaving aside those such as the Born again people
Most today would understand that the Christian Bible was written long after the death of the alleged Jesus and as such is merely a guide.
Particularly as it has been altered many, many times
As a much quoted source though seldom do we hear about the many contradictions it contains.
Contradictions used in many different ways by those trying to make their point about this or that
Contradictions used by Church leaders to maintain control of their 'flocks'.
Yes 'flocks' is what some of these Christian sects call their devotees.
Is it not time that we understand that we are responsible for our own actions?

That the basic rules of all the world's major religions are the same
The same because they all come from the perennial or ageless wisdom
This body of knowledge has been available to us throughout the ages
Then over time it gets distorted by the very religions that were once upon a time based upon it
Until we end up with distortions such as the current versions of the Bible
Bradyn has written the following and while I have not checked out what he claims, feel that he makes a good point
Bradyns Blog: 1,529 More Contradictions In The Bible
The point being that it is time for humanity to grow up
Time for us all to be responsible for our own behaviour
No God or Buddha may lead our lives for us
They may only point the way
Pointing the way to less self-centred and selfish behaviour.

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