Sunday, August 21, 2011

Modern denial

The deep reason why our culture finds it necessary to deny death is that death puts the lie to the agenda of our narrowly-conceived selves.
And yes our societies even those that used to believe in karma and reincarnation increasingly buy into the Western model of life and no death
But wait a minute.
Any study and contemplation of death reveals the unreality of the discrete and separate self.
Because the self that we define as our bodies
Our names
Our knowledge
Our possessions
Our self-image
And our stories
Or what Alan Watts calls our' "skin-encapsulated egos"
Did not exist before we were born and will cease to exist when we die.
Gone, finished, kaput, nothing left.
That self is unreal it is impermanent
The dualism of self and environment is unreal as well.
It is no accident that every spiritual tradition has practices consisting of the contemplation of death.
That is also why a close call with death is so transforming
Because we stop worrying about the trivial concerns of life, it changes us 
We walk in the knowledge that nothing here is important
Nothing is important that is except love.
When death exposes the impermanence and conditional reality of the self as we know it 
Then all of the behaviours based on its exaggeration, its importance, its aggrandizement no longer make sense.
Society as we know it is based upon these behaviours
Hence society's need to belittle, hide, and deny death.'
Death is in truth merely a transition
A transition to another space.
Where for most it will be much more agreeable than life here.
A period of rest and assimilation before resuming lessons again here on Earth.
Which is why deep down most feel there should be something more to life
There is once you make that choice.
A choice only we can make individually.

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