Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just a part of nature

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the “universe,” a part limited in time and space.    
He experiences himself.
His thoughts and feelings.
As something separate from the rest.
A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. 
This delusion is a kind of prison for us.
Restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few people near us.  
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.                      
— Albert Einstein
Einstein was not only a scientist he also knew a lot about humanity and was aware of how few humans understand what they truly are.
Today this is even more true with few modern citizens having any idea about the true nature of things.
Interestingly nature is now obliging us to reconsider our relationship to her.
The so called unusual and often violent weather is one such aspect of this.
And our reaction so far?
To feel frustrated about climate change.
To feel that in some way it ought not to be like this.
A cursory examination of history should have warned us that the sixties to nineties were the abnormal period, not what we are experiencing now.
Another point not mentioned by Einstein is that our behaviour is certainly contributing to the more violent weather we are experiencing.
Not talking about our carbon emissions here, that to all intents and purposes is neither here nor there.
Rather our thoughts and behaviour are the major issue.
Yes, our very thoughts lead to our actions and these most certainly contribute to the way nature behaves.
This last point will be considered nonsense by many.
But then so was a round Earth considered to be so for many years.
Our thoughts determine our karma.
Our thoughts today help determine what we experience tomorrow.
So it is with nations and humanity as a whole.
Karma affects humanity as a species as much as it effects us as individuals.
So our thoughts and behaviour over the last hundred years or so have helped to create what we are experiencing today.
These are a major contributory reason for the unstable and violent weather we are experiencing today.
And as we have not understood this there is little reason to believe that things are going to change any time soon.
Be prepared for more violent weather in all parts of the globe.

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