Saturday, November 05, 2011


It is reasonable to ask why karma and reincarnation have been forgotten in so many cultures.
Particularly when those cultures for many centuries followed religions which taught karma and reincarnation.
Even today more than half the planet believe in karma and reincarnation.
This is changing though as cultures change
As religions change their teachings, yes this often happens when the religion in question sees advantage or the necessity to change.
The Christian religion for example anathematized reincarnation at the second council of Constantinople in 553 AD.
Karma and reincarnation until that time were an integral part of Christian belief and teaching.
In this case they were dropped for power and control reasons, the priests at the time seeing great profit from the removal of a teaching that diminished their own power and control.
In other cultures karma and reincarnation are still in the religious teachings of the prevalent religions.
However rather like modern Christian behaviour are honoured in theory but not so much in practice.
Because the shiny attraction of materialism is more immediately seductive.
More and more parts of the world are embracing crude materialism.
Living for the momentary gratification of this instant now.
Wanting ever more things.
Then even more things.
Being endlessly seduced by advertising.
Public relations campaigns designed to make people feel insecure if they do not own the latest must have object.
Then along came meltdown
Lo we arrive at the more interesting time where we have huge global financial problems.
Where many millions have no jobs
Many millions have no food 
Many millions want change
In this situation it is finally beginning to dawn on people that possibly unbridled consumption, unthinking lives of selfish pursuits after material objects might not be the best way to live.
Maybe, probably, certainly they did not want to arrive at this point.
But when people have no jobs, no future, their lives naturally come under examination.
Material objects are examined.
Many to be found unnecessary.
Found to be unsustainable, too expensive.
Dropped, let go.
People search for more enduring objects, ones that last.
At the same time they begin to look at their lives and many find them wanting.
Wanting in terms of realising that their prize objects were not making them happy.
And the more people examine materialism the more they find it wanting.
And so?
Well around about now some begin to wonder about the direction and purpose of their lives.
Guess what?
Up pop questions about the purpose of life.
Because in ever direr more insecure times we do actually stop to ask what are we doing.
Why are we here?
What is my life about?
Do we really have only one life....does that make sense.......why?
Is there really just a big black hole at the end of life.............finita la that it?
Did we really live this life for no purpose other than to buy a bigger car?
And if you believe in a God then can she really have designed things this stupidly?
And how can all these competing Gods all be the truth...............something must be wrong...........
Because they are all claiming to be the one truth and they cannot all be right.
Something is wrong somewhere
So if God or whatever set this place in motion.
Then why?
For what purpose?
And what is my role in this?
Or could it be that there really is karma and reincarnation?
Once examined it is found to be the only belief that answers all the questions about why this planet is as it is.
Of course it is up to each and every one of us to decide for ourselves.
And that is reasonable that we should have individual freedom to decide for ourselves.
To be responsible ourselves for what we do.
For what happens to us.
For we are living in amazing times where we will live to see the current financial model fall apart.
Endless growth as a model was never viable over time.
And we have reached that time where it is falling apart.
A new model based on fairer more intelligent ideas will take its place.
A model that sees us as a part of nature.
Not in competition with nature as now.
Will see us protecting nature, serving nature.
Not destroying her for short term profit.
And yes this will come to pass.
There is a choice fro us though it can come in gently or violently.
We, you and I will help to determine which it is to be.
This means that your life, this one now has a very clear purpose.
To be the best you can.
To support those things you believe in.
No more theory.
We are living in these changes.
And what are you doing with your life?
Choices you make can have an influence on what happens.

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