Friday, November 25, 2011


"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. 

But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas".
George Bernard Shaw, 07/26/1856 - 11/02/1950
A simple and subtle take on a central part of modern life.
In many areas knowledge and ideas are closely guarded.
In others such as the internet ideas are lying around for all to find and share.
This blog shares ideas.
Your newspaper does so too.
Most media share ideas.
Ideas are crucial to our evolution and survival.
And where do ideas come from?
From our brains?
No the brain just organises our thoughts.
The brain is like an operating system. 
You have to put stuff in before anything much comes out.
So ideas come from our thoughts?
And where do our thoughts come from?
Ever wondered how original your thoughts are?
How much original thinking do you do?
And where does that thinking come from?
Your mind maybe?
Beyond your mind perhaps?
Given that ideas are the life blood of our world.
Funny how few people ever think of where their ideas come from.
Some certainly are triggered by what we see hear or observe around us.
Others come from applied thought.
An area of study.
Yet the really powerful ideas come from the subtle realms. 
Most honest scientists admit that their most powerful insights have come when they were not thinking.
The idea just came into their heads.
Often fully formed.
It just appeared.
It answered the question they had been thinking about and once they let go voila it appeared.
So we can observe that many of the best ideas comes fully formed when we are not thinking.
Does that mean that they already exist?
That somehow we tap into them?
And where would that somewhere be?
Yes and yes.
It is said that there is nothing new under the sun.
Nothing new in the Universe.
We are not in a position to argue this, so can observe that ideas are in one sense a mystery.
In another we can say that they come from the world of ideas or the Akash as the ancients called it.
A belt around planet earth if you will containing all the information about planet Earth recording every action, everything that has ever happened here.
Many might protest, however that is how it is.
Think about it, a few years ago we would have laughed at our current computing capabilities.
Cloud computing allows us to store unimaginable quantities of information.
So why would we any longer laugh at the idea that the Akash exists?
So coming back to ideas.
When someone is trying to understand something with his mind he can go so far.
When he relaxes then he can go further, beyond mind, as he is then open to the world of ideas or the Akash.
It is then that the answer often fully formed comes into his head.
So in a very real sense it is not his idea at all.
It already exists in the Akash.
He tuned in by relaxing and the answer was given.
It was there already fully formed.
So our brilliant discoverers are getting their ideas from a source that already exists.
Meaning that ideas are not maybe what we thought them to be!

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