Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tripping lightly

Through life.
Watching others embroiled in events that you would never indulge in.
Keeping safe by following convention.
Works pretty well for a while.
Problem is times are changing and all  the old certainties are going.
The old values are changing.
Previously secure strategies are failing.
What to do?
Hang on and hope things don't change any more?
Not such a good strategy really in these troubled times.
Stress keeps building
Stress is just another level of fear and for us to carry fear over time leads to bigger problems.
Getting rid of fear is not easy.
First step though is to acknowledge that we have a problem.
Second is to understand that we have fear.
For most a fear is something that we hide.
Particularly from ourselves, so hunting it or them down can be challenging.
Ask those who know you well what they think.
Even better if you know a professional ask her to help you.
Usually we have more than one fear.
Often they date right back in our lives, sometimes to a very early age.
Next step is to accept what we are frightened of.
Then comes the hard part, which is to get rid of it.
Start by talking it out loud, the fear that is say it out loud.
Look at it and see if it is still true, that you are frightened of it.
Share your fear with others, preferably those you trust.
Examine the fear after discussing it and note how you feel about it now.
Notice how much it has driven your life.
Decide, choose to let it go.
That means saying goodbye to it.
That means deciding to no longer be frightened of it.
Accepting that it did frighten you.
Deciding deep down that you do not need to keep this fear.
That it is no longer part of who you are or wish to be.
It is no longer part of you.
Decide to move on.
Choose to find more love in your life.
Choose more lightness.
Let laughter find you more often.
Learn about yourself.
We are all in process, meaning that we have layer upon layer that we can learn about ourselves.
Like an onion skin, layer after layer.
Which if you think about it is not such a bad thing as it means that we are always learning.
And one of the secrets of a successful life is to keep growing throughout your life.
Keep growing please!

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

Such a good feeling growing !