Saturday, January 21, 2012

Control is not working

Watching people pretend that they have things under control is interesting.
Sometimes really amusing because if there is one thing for certain in this world it is that we do not have things under control.
For short periods of our lives we might believe this to be possible
But then watch those you know trying to live a life ruled by reason and logic.
A scientific life if you will.
No way!
Life cannot be run as a piece of machinery however much this might appeal to you.
A life where control and certainty prevail.
Many have tried and many more will.
However life does not allow such mechanistic pleasures to prevail.
Sooner or later nature steps in and shakes things up.
And this has never been more true than the period we are in now.
For a period of time humanity thought that the 60's through the 90's were the norm in terms of nature's behaviour.
Now we are learning the hard way that they were not.
The period we are in now with it's more brutal weather.
More disasters.
More uncertainty.
This is probably the norm.
And the sooner we get used to this idea the sooner we face reality.
The Global Warming game was a great idea to tax us further.
However it was a con so many of those scientists making their living from Global Warming quickly moved on to Climate Change.
So much easier because with Climate Change you can explain away anything.
Thus totally ignoring the fact that this planet has always undergone Climate Change.
Change well documented by more honest scientists not so involved in pretending that this is something new.
What is so great about Climate Change is that you can keep right on taxing the masses while excusing your lack of understanding about what is really going on.
Brilliant we now have endless crisis and uncertainty in our weather both locally and globally.
And that is just the weather
All other aspects of our lives are becoming more uncertain too
Thanks to an imploding financial system. 
 In our own lives change is opposed by endless rules and regulations. 

Barriers to entry everywhere in everything.
Looking around it is the same conflicting interests of modern politics cancelling out any meangingful change. 
Add in of course all the other special interest groups and other institutions that thwart any purposeful transformation. 

They leave us helpless, buffeted by forces beyond our control.
Be it the weather, our own private lives, our economy whatever, all is seemingly beyond our control.
Or is it?
Notice how our own efforts at control do not really work, over time
So to the best efforts of government and large corporations to control do not work either, over time.
And into our current parlous situation arrive these clear observations.
Leaders with no clue what to do except same old, same old ideas.
Ever more controls.
Won't work, they know it we know it.
Notice new initiatives emerging over the last few months.
People are beginning to wake up to the mess around them.
Slowly realising that our leaders are a major part of the problem.
Leaders too easily influenced by the rich, the bankers, the special interest groups of corporations and others who prevail upon them to do their bidding.
That for change to come people everywhere must now get involved.
Change is upon us anyway faster and faster each year.
How it turns out is up to us
Being a spectator in one of the most important periods of our history does not do it.
Everyone has a voice
Let everyone use theirs in the way best suited to their skills.
Become involved in those aspects of your life where you can make a difference.

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