Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reason, time to let it go?

Cultural prejudice says that reason is a distinguishing quality of the male sex.

Often we hear this prejudice in articles, talk shows and other media.
Men were supposed to be more rational.
Women are stated to be more emotional.
And also to be more intuitive.
Women were thought closer to their biology.
More subject to periodic fluctuations of hormones.
While aspects of this are true for many humans others most certainly do not fit these stereotypes
And so?
The gravity of this subject is that it implies that reason is more important, more serious, more critical
And because we are trained to think this way it implies the male to be more important than the female.
And this we know today to be a silly way of thinking about the sexes.
Neither is more important than the other.
Both need each other, are part of the other.
Time to let go of these stereotypes they do more harm than good.
Men tend to use reason in more situations than do women and perhaps therein lies a big problem
Many subjects are better approached, evaluated, and acted upon from our other senses.
Feminine senses.
Those feminine senses available to the feminine in both men and women.
Women and the feminine give men the chance to go beyond reason which is often inappropriate in many situations.
To reconnect with nature.
Reason has now been found out.
Reason is no longer an answer to many if not most of our problems.
If indeed it ever was.
Time for other senses to come into play.

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