Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dissolution of community

Has been an accelerating feature of life on Planet Earth over the last fifty years or more.
In sharp contrast to the monetized world of financial security.
Which inexorably separates everyone from everyone else.
An alternative gift economy is an economy of obligation and dependence.

Financial security is not true independence, but merely dependence on strangers.
Who will only do the things necessary for your survival if you pay them.

Would you rather be dependent on strangers, or on people you know?

Well, that probably depends on how you treat the people you know.

Thus the monetized life removes some of the incentives for people to adhere to social and ethical norms.

Dissolution of community is built in to our system of money.

The monetization of life dissolves communities, and the dissolution of community necessitates the further monetization of life.
Charles Eisenstein
Until we arrive at today where there is little left to monetize
Where there are few new markets to conquer.
And where the insatiable greed of financial markets is hell bent on self destruction.
Where politicians dither and dather not wanting to upset their financial backers overt or covert.
What a time to be alive.
A time when genuine change is unavoidable
The question being which way will we go?

Hang on to control or try to break free?

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