Sunday, February 19, 2012

Food sterilization

Is not something we think about.
Perhaps we should.
Because the result of food sterilization is to make it less healthful, not more.
All pasteurized food is depleted of enzymes and vitamins.
This is important because the living bacteria in raw dairy and unpasteurized sauerkraut actually contribute to the intestinal flora that help nourish the body and ward off illness.
Sterile food is a target for opportunistic contamination by harmful salmonella, E. coli, and other bacteria
This is because they do not need to compete with the original benign bacteria in unpasteurized milk and other foods.
And once this approach has been adopted it has to be maintained.
Fermentation the approach used by traditional cultures is not acceptable as it is unpredictable.
Unpredictability is no use for industrial food production that demands uniform products and long shelf life.
Going one step further.
The latest method of sterilization is irradiation, used extensively on spices, meat, and other foods.
In this process the food is exposed to radioactive nuclear waste.
This is done at a level sufficient to kill anything alive in it.
How can anyone imagine that such food can nourish humans if it cannot nourish bacterial life?
It cannot and yet there is no discussion.
No alarm.
No concern that we have removed the ambient microorganisms as well as complex cultures of hundreds of species of yeasts.
Removed bacteria that were symbiotic with each other.
And with the human beings they co-evolved with over generations.
No wonder that we have so many intestinal problems we have removed our natural defences against illness.
There are however some winners from this situation.
If we can call destroying humanity winning.
Looked at through eyes of money this is called winning.
By any other measure it is evil.
Food companies win as their products last longer.
Pharmaceutical companies win selling us antibiotics against our new diseases.
So called health supplement sellers win as they provide what the body used to look after for itself.
Is there anything we can do?
Yes get involved where appropriate fighting against these interests.
Help publicise this situation.
Eat naturally grown foods where possible.
Support locally grown organic producers.
Inform others about the above.
Want to shock yourself then read below.
Read between the lines what they are not saying.
Read what they imply.
Information put out by an organisation promoting the irradiation of ever more of our foods.

Are they kidding!
These people have money.
They lobby for their interests.
Note how one sector after another is approved for such treatment, year after year.
Be active in promoting your well being by not buying such products.

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