Thursday, February 09, 2012

Goodbye cooking

More and more meals are part of the food processing industry.
Factories increasingly taking over what used to be done locally or even in the house.
Often these form part of the global distribution system.
 With foods being prepared thousands of miles from where they will be eaten.
Even the final stage of food preparation and cooking is disappearing into the hands of company employees.
Skills are going which used to be part of every community.
From half to two-thirds of all meals in America are now prepared outside the home.
Either in the form of restaurant meals or as ready-to-eat take out from supermarket delicatessen. 
Europe is further behind this trend however the same pattern is evident.
Even meals cooked at home are often prepared from ingredients that are already highly processed.
When we do cook, we perform only the final stages of cookery.
Taking advantage of pre-made mixes, sauces, canned soups, and so forth.
How many people make their own pie crusts any more.
Or fry their own chips.
Or bake their own bread.
Or can their own vegetables.
Or make their own soup stock?
These skills have gradually become industrialized.
And therefore lost to the average household.
We have essentially sold away the ability to cook food.
Converting this form of social capital into financial capital.
Which of course is under the control of traders and other financial manipulators who have zero interest in the harm their buying and selling might have.
We live in this world without thinking of the possible outcome should conditions change.
Which is all just fine until there is any disruption to the supply chain.
At which point an awful lot of people will wish that they knew how to create a meal from basic ingredients.
And as they don't violence will not be far behind.
Modern society is far too dependent on other people supplying our basic needs.
This we will rue one day.

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