Friday, February 17, 2012

Try again

Sit comfortably, either in a semi lotus or on a firm chair with legs uncrossed, hands in lap, left hand in right hand for males and the opposite for females.
Your back straight, pushed away from the chair back.
Shut off phones and other distractions.
Face the East, where the sunrise comes from.
Allow yourself to become aware of your environment as you gently and slowly close your eyes.
Become aware of your body.
Feel yourself sitting.
Feel the contact your body makes with each surface, material.
Feel your body resting comfortably and safely.
Draw your awareness inward as you feel your body relaxing.
Calmly be aware of your breathing.
Without altering your breathing that is, just breath naturally.
Let your attention rest on whatever comes into your consciousness.
Let thoughts come in and out, do not pursue them let them go, just observe them.
Calmly feel and be aware of the rhythm of your breathing.
When more thoughts come into your mind, don't try to stop or avoid them.
Just be aware of them and let them drift away.
For some time to come thoughts will keep coming.
Thinking all the time about this or that is hard wired into modern man.
Changing this or stopping this takes time and patience. 
Not to mention perseverance.
Meditation requires daily practice.
Because your mind will not believe that you are serious until it experiences you meditating every day.
Day in day out, week in week out, month in month out, year in year out.
Yes it is hard work to start with.
Do not believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
If you do not practice daily then your mind assumes that this is just another of your hobbies
Your mind then feels free to interrupt you whenever it wants with ever more thoughts.
So regular daily practice is the way.
And yes you can find five or ten minutes every day for something that will change your life in a positive manner.
Always, as your mind wanders, bring it back to your breathing.
Notice how you want to fidget.
How you find lots of reasons for not doing it today.
We are all past masters at avoiding things that require regular effort.
No matter this time stick with it.
Just sit and listen to your breath
Stay aware.
Do this for five to ten minutes a day to begin with.
If you find yourself doing this for longer then great if not no worries.
It takes practice.
Meditation is a cultivated process. 
Be patient and kind yet firm with yourself.
Learn to enjoy each moment.
Learn to relax.
Do not "try hard" this does not help, on the contrary it makes things more difficult..
Some of the biggest blocks to meditation are impatience and expectation. 
Meditation is 
Allowing yourself to be alert and attentive.
Letting your mind be calm, telling it to shut up, to leave you alone.
Being concentrated without strain, yet focused.
Turning your attention inward.
Being in this moment now. 
Accepting that this is a process rather than a goal.
Benefits of meditation are:
Decreased stress and tension. 
More balanced emotions.
Strengthened immune system.
Sense of being calmer.
Over time a greater feeling of optimism and self-worth.
Meditation is not.
Falling asleep.
Going into a trance.
Shutting yourself off from reality.
Meditation becomes part of your life once you reach the point where you realise that your life feels better for it.
At this point you miss it if you do not practice for any reason.
Meditation if done in the morning seems to set the day up in a more pleasing way.
Further down the road meditation is something you find yourself doing whenever you have odd moments to yourself
In buses, trains, planes wherever whenever.
Meditation is the only known way to impose control on your mind.
To become the master of your mind.
And it is of course your mind that causes you so much wear and tear.
That is why we keep on banging on about it because it is your gate way to reduced stress and fear.