Saturday, February 04, 2012

Waking up oh so slowly

The collective realization of the unity of human and nature tells us that................ 
What we do to the world, we do to ourselves.
A concept that I'll refer to as "ecological karma." 
This goes beyond interconnectedness or the pragmatic realization that we "depend upon nature." 
The human-nature dualism implies that we can avoid the consequences of our depredations and manage their costs and benefits. 
We can choose this forest to clear cut and that mountain to stripmine.
Because according to our rational calculations they are less important than other ones. 
They are not "critical ecosystems." 
We don't really need them. 
Their value is conditional. 
We feel we can preserve some and destroy others, 
As long as we calculate the effects carefully enough, the costs and benefits. 
In contrast, the understanding of ecological karma tells us that we can never manage or avoid the effects of our actions
That any marring of the health and beauty of the planet diminishes our own health and the beauty of our own lives as well, 
It tells us as well that the laws of nature make no exception for human beings.
Charles Eisenstein - The Ascent of Humanity

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