Saturday, February 11, 2012

We are bad

Mainstream science and mainstream religion long ago agree that we are by nature bad. 
That therefore, just as modern technology believes that we must control Nature.
We must control, regulate, improve upon, and yes, dominate ourselves in order that we may be good. 
Let us add to this agreement economics, which also holds as a central axiom that people are driven to maximize self-interest. 
If science, religion, and economics all agree.
The doctrine of innate badness must have deep roots indeed. 
It is no accident that it is orthodoxy in both the scientific and religious realms.
The ideology of our civilization—progress, ascent—depends on it. 
It is therefore built into many of our reflexive assumptions of what is true. 
And for this we pay a high price.
Psychologically we believe we must forever strive to be better.
We feel ourselves guilty if not doing something.
We accept this bullshit without question.
And yes it is bullshit.
No new born baby is guilty of anything.
There is no original sin.
Again and again mankind falls for the stories of men who manipulate teachings for power and control purposes.
In science we are not bad, nor is nature, maybe time though that science should look at itself.
Economists have got away with trying to monetize everything through the neat idea that humans always act in their own self interest.
Again bullshit.
Instinctive human behaviour is to help each other.
Humans are not bad.
Humans are born innocent and beautiful.
What humans do to other humans though is often bad.
Starting with the brainwashing that we are bad.

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