Sunday, March 11, 2012


Stressed is desserts spelled backwards
Someone saw this and noted it. 
What does it say about anything?
One idea is the lady holding a cake or dessert as shown above, giving release from stress maybe?.
Not sure about that, another is that we can always find something to be stressed about and maybe that's "our just desserts" and not the cake idea.
No matter stressed is a major experience for most of us and is unfortunately in most of our lives
Being stressed though is usually of our own making.
Just that most of us do not see things that way
If you are stressed at the moment as you read this then ask yourself this.
This stress I am feeling where does it come from?
Usually we like to point the finger at someone or something other than ourselves.
But if we are honest very often the trigger is in us.
That other person or situation is just the trigger for our own frustration or stress.
If I am totally cool then you can say and do whatever you like and it will not upset me.
If I am cool then whatever comes my way will not upset me.
In other words you can only press my buttons or get me upset and stressed if I let you.
If this resonates with you then what are you doing to remove or reduce the stress in your life?
It is possible to live in stressed times without allowing it into your life.
Not 100% percent for sure but for much of it.
And this only comes along to those who are prepared to change.
To change habits and thought patterns.
Habits and thought patterns that lead to our getting stressed.
Perceptions that we hold so dear.
Time to examine them and find ways to let them go.
And the way to let them go is to control your mind
Because if you are not thinking then nothing touches you.
So having the ability to turn off your mind is necessary.
And that is a whole other story for another day.

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