Thursday, May 31, 2012

Everything is a war

War against drugs
War against poverty
War against want
War against everything
And criminally the biggest war although not seen as such is against ourselves.
A war taking place in our own bodies.
In our own minds.
A war we have been losing for some time now.
Seldom can humanity have been fighting so many so called wars at one time.
Predictably the word war applied to all these different subjects has lost its meaning.
Lost our interest too.
When it is clear that the so called war on drugs to name but one is a great big scam.
No wonder most people feel ever more disinterest and scorn for the politicians who literally refuse to even discuss more intelligent options.
Hard to respect these same men and women who deplore bad behaviour by the poor in society.
Those living in poverty.
Those with few if any real choices.

The war must now be to fight this hypocricy that is our real war.
A war to engage our leaders with reality.
To bestir ourselves before these men and women lead us into total disaster.
And this can only happen when we engage our minds to take action for those things we believe in.
War on empty words and silly actions.
Enough of their silly wars.
What do you want?
A nice fair society?
Chances for all?
How about making your own war.
First on your own mind.
A mind grown used to switching off at the word war.
Used to letting others think for you.
No longer
Try engaging your own mind to see reality and not the press delivered pap.
Time to engage yourself in actions.
Actions to support those things important to you.
No more wars.
Just engagement to resolve our problems.

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